
Wayzata, Minnesota

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quintessentially- Throw Back Thursday

Throw Back Thursday
my letter Q for

It's been a long while since I've posted for Jenny and after sharing this throw-back-Thursday post today with a new blogger I'm throwing it back in for my return.

A definite space where one explores without boundaries all the avenues before them, just waiting to be discovered at the turn of a every corner.

Quintessentially, place, is where we are, what we do with it, is up to us.

La Costa Resort and Spa
 November 2011

Carlsbad, California

So many inspiring water fountains led the way during our visit to sunny southern California.
Beginning from our Disneyland adventure

to La Costa Resort and Spa

where boutiques, of endless sources of shopping, delicious dining, golf, The Deepka Chopra Center and the La Costa legendary spa - awaits limitless and blissful explorations
all at your own pace.

Designed especially for you.....

For me, it's not just about the biggest roller coaster ride, or the most expensive diamond studded pair of tennis shoes you can slip into.
Or, that if you skip breakfast for a round of golf
you may see Tiger Woods
(because truth be told he really does golf here)


The place itself.....

What a content place to wake up.....
The photo above is an early morning view from our private patio......

If you venture out during the early hours of the morning
you often discover the most unusual moments
waiting just for you.

In every place you may wander.....

....there is a place to enjoy.....
While the coffee brews inside our suite, I'll see if anyone else is searching for the morning's best kept secret.

Would you be surprised if I told you that it's also very exciting to explore like this just before the sun begins to set?

In this photo:  Evening was pushing hard to arrive.....
We all spent the day at the pool.
Where they have genuine sand
and it feels like being at the beach...can you believe it?

This is the place to be for me.

Just strolling about
every inch of this man-made-beauty rising within one of the most splendid places on earth....

the BlueFire Grill

caught my eye!

I wasn't disappointed either!

I have a secret about my over-the-top server, and his over and beyond the call of serving!

On the evening before our flight to California my right hand got in the middle of a cat fight.
Yes it became infected and ....
My server noticed my swollen situation and asked what happened?
"Oh yeah, just a cat fight!"
We laughed, but he returned with a plate containing a bag filled with ice!
"Here maybe this will help your swelling!"

Imagine that!

Another priceless gift at this place
the Bird of Paradise Flower

It's almost as if they come alive with laughter as you pass by them

especially on the way to

....The Spa at La Costa where you can catch the day's feature or need a change?  How does your wind blown hair feel today?

But wait!
 Did I hear someone say it's tee time?

Sure, I heard you....but my hand is crying another story altogether, sorry.

So for this evening I'm skipping golf, for a tasty dinner at Legends instead.

...and after we wore out this day, it's time to turn out the lights

For a very good night's sleep... until the adventures of tomorrow......

Sleep tight!

Linking to Alphabe-Thursday.


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Well I may have to just visit there someday. It looks perfectly pleasant!

FilipBlog said...

Looks like a super place, hope you enjoyed it.


My name is Riet said...

That mut be a great place, love your pictures

jenn said...

looks like a very peaceful place. i hope you relished your time there.

noexcuses said...

I lived in SoCal all my life, but never made it to La Costa! You have raised the fine hairs on my arms with your extraordinary tour and photos. I now know where my next "Girls' Weekend" is going to be! Wonderful post!

Betty said...

What a relaxing place. It's like a world without stress.

The Poet said...

This sounds like my kind of place...slow & relaxing. Perfect to pen lots of poetry (smile).
Nice photos.
Thanks for sharing.

The Painting And The Poet

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog:) What a coincidence! We were wondering last weekend if there are touristy shops, or a pretty beach area (to take pic)around Carlsbad? We leve in the Laguna area and regularly go to San Diego, so we pass Carlsbad often.

Pondside said...

Oh, what I'd give for a few days in a place like that! Sunshine, warmth, that pool - it's on my (growing ever longer!) list.

Cloudia said...

what a healing post- and your birds of paradise ARE laughing!!!!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

>< } } ( ° >

Lola said...

Great *P* post!

Visiting from Mrs Matlock’s,

Look forward to *seeing* you again,

XOXO Lola:)

Anonymous said...

I think the Matlockians should have gathering here.

Donna Heber said...

What a beautiful place to visit! The pictures look so peaceful and relaxing.

Maggie said...

I love the look and the sound of your "place", it's going on my bucket list, straightaway.
Thanks for stopping by in Normandy.

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful P Post. LOvely places and photo's

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

My kind of place, thanks for sharing your visit there.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

what a Perfect Peaceful Place...and a Plethora of Phantastic Pictures!! :)

21 Wits said...

Jdainel's4Mom, that's a fabulous idea! Our stay here was actually all girls!...and my darling grand-baby! We will return's great to come home from a vacation and not be exhausted! We did Disneyland first then here!!!

21 Wits said...

Cloudia, Thanks for saying hello! ...I can imagine your Birds of Paradise are in full bloom?

21 Wits said...

Laura thanks so much! Of course the place can't compare to the wonders growing around where you live...but it was lovely!

21 Wits said...

Thanks everyone for you wonderful comments, without trying to push advertising, I wanted to show the real peaceful side of just how perfect this place is! I knew from the minute we drove up the drive we were in for a treat! There are plenty of shops and eateries too that anyone just coming in off the street can pop into....maybe even their world class, (OMG spa) if only I could plant it right in my back yard!

Ms. Corby said...

We're heading to Cali again this spring and we'll have to check this place out. I've heard it's pretty nice, and they have several around, but to be by the ocean too, what a trip that will be. I'm happy you posted it.

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Super! Looks like a place that I'd love to visit!

Thanks for enjoying my P - Pretty in Pink - my watercolor painting of a little girl in her mom's beach hat!

Barbara Rosenzweig said...

Super! Looks like a place that I'd love to visit!

Thanks for enjoying my P - Pretty in Pink - my watercolor painting of a little girl in her mom's beach hat!

Leovi said...

I love these beautiful photos of a fabulous place. Greetings and a delicious weekend.

Galen Pearl said...

How do you do this every day?? You have enough creative energy and talent for 10 bloggers. Love the photos. The nap looks appealing. Yawn!

21 Wits said...

Galen, thanks, not so much everyday, but when I can. I haven't posted anything random for a long's always Sepia Sat, Centus, 6WS or the Alphabe-Thursday posts!

JJ said...

Karen: My kind of place. Perfect!

I have had some trouble with Outlook, so I have not been able to access your e-mail link, and I don't have the address. If you e-mail me, I'll tell you what is going on in my "spare time." Be well.

storybeader said...

what an adorable little girl! I love the look of southern California, with it's tile roofs and white-washed buildings. What a great vacation! {:-D

Annesphamily said...

Perfectly calm and relaxing place for a pretty amazing person! Great photos!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Karen, you have found the best PLACE to chill out. All the luxury one sometimes craves for and also the beauty of nature, because without it the best place is empty.

anitamombanita said...

ahhh...sounds deeee-lightful!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Beautiful photos, Karen! For me, it's more than just the's who is present to share it with me.

Lisa Shafer said...

You have been tagged with a blog award. C'mon over to my blog and collect it!

sage said...

Is this post about what those in Minnesota dream about or construe in their minds as heaven? The last photo is sweet.

Jen said...

You captured the beauty of that place...and did a great job of sharing it with us.

21 Wits said...

There's an example of this in my first photo, maybe it's silly but our entire trip it seemed like the Bird of Paradise (flower that is everywhere really) pops out of places saying, "Hey look at me!" Check out the first photo! (at bottom)

Gattina said...

Looks like a beautiful place to spend holidays !

The Nature Jotter said...

Pretty blog and photos! Now i follow you!

Judie said...

Karen, Rod and I vacationed there several years ago. It was simply divine! Great post! It brought back some memories.

darlin said...

Karen you have found a piece of paradise; what a beautiful place to visit and an amazing place to stay!

So you golf? That's something I've never tried yet, I'm scared I might enjoy it and don't have that sort of time in my life currently. Maybe, must maybe in the future I'll give it a shot.

I love your photos, excellent shots!

Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Oh truly a beautiful place for sure :o) Lovely photos of it all, and especially sweet is your last one that is evidence of a wonderful day's adventure... :o)

Such a cutie you have shown in slumber...

Oh! I want to share that our granddaughter arrived this morning!!! 8lbs 60z. Mom, Dad and sweet baby girl are doing great :o) We are so thankful, blessed and looking forward to flying to see them.

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you for stopping by...I'll be posting some more about our grandbaby in the future...we wont get to fly out until the first week in April.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

What a beautiful place to visit and see through your photos!

Jenny said...

Oh Karen! What a perfect, heavenly place!

I loved this!

I would definitely love staying here...even without a cat fight hand!

Thanks for sharing ... I felt like I went on a mini vacation!

Hugs and A+

humbird said...

Thank you for nice place to visit, Karen! Sure, you did enjoy it! My fav. is flower- bird ! Have a great weekend! x