"There are two kinds of light- the glow that illumines, and the glare that obscures." - James Thurber
We shall glide through the gentle bliss of softness a bit more.
Carmi has requested soft light for this week's photo theme.

It's the mystery behind something, that is revealed only by the light before us.
I'll begin with a mystery afoot. Let's follow Mr. Snowman as he braves the darkness with the Pajama people.
Some of you may remember this photo, that I took while visiting the magical winter scenes inside Macy's Department store in downtown Minneapolis in 2011.
Something was afoot, and the raccoons aren't sharing the secret either. Although, they pointed towards the main gate, where I found this note.
"The principal person in a picture is light!"
- Edouard Mante
View of Argenteuil
Painting by Edouard Mante- and his attention to light.
Good luck solving your mystery.
Signed- The Pajama People.
Every hue throughout your work is altered by every touch you add in other places.- Ruskin
Our mystery continues outside.
Just what is the mystery behind daylight? Why does it appear so magical to me just before dusk, when daylight slips into the night?
Is it the glow igniting a fire within?
The answer is waiting just before darkness unfolds-
Can you see the one star shaped light in the dark row of trees? It's coming from a neighbor's window.
"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."-
Friedrich Nietzche
Once night falls, our chances of discovery are not as good, but stopping by the local pub may be refreshing for a brief spell.
My attention always falls on soft lights warming up the inside of buildings, or houses. I like standing for long periods watching the glow of lights shining out of the darkness. Don't you?
It's easy to do living out in the country, from my own back yard.
On a cold winter's night, those lights inside have a mind of their own. The light even tends to fall softly outside the window and rest below our feet.
Going back to our mystery at hand, I sense a part two in the works.
Yes, my thoughts are confirmed as the coloring on this paper clearly highlights that this post is -
to be continued.
If you want to view other soft light posts go here