
Wayzata, Minnesota

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sepia Saturday- 26 October 2013 - Marking Our 200th Post for Sepia Saturday

A brief note about this early post.  Out of all my Sepia Saturday posts this one post,  "Happy by the nature of their smile"  has prompted me to include this as my offering for Sepia Saturday's Special Edition Book, in honor of our 200th post. 

It was a difficult decision too, because it's not just about all of what we bring to our particular post, but also important is the gift I receive back from all of your unique comments as well.  So often, I discover even more through your input.


For Saturday 26 October 2013

Sometimes, all you need, is to know someone by their smile!

A Navaho Smile- Unknown woman- taken in 1904.

By way of "photo introduction" please welcome a few unknown subjects.

Definitely has her priorities right.

Have you guessed that we're stepping off into the unknown?  As in photos of unknown people, families or places.

Of course, what is unknown to one party might perhaps by chance, be someone that you might recognize.

But, before I begin with Alan's theme photo for Sepia Saturday, for those of you still curious about the headless woman restaurant, I'll explain further at the end of this post.


What can be said about these unknown people, is that often times who they are or possibly what they are doing is caught forever in a photograph.  Let's peek into their lives.

STREET SHOOTING - Outdoor café.

New York, New York you're my kind of town.

"What you see, is not actually what will be.  Please wait until I finish.  Trust me, you'll be pleased."

Or, she gets her money back? Ha ha ha!
Taking a walk on the wild side of life.
Popping into the local theater.
Saturday afternoon at the movies.


All we know for sure- she's either running from the girdle store, and rather happily pleased by her selections, or the girdle store just happens to be there, and the love of her life is chasing her!

I prefer the latter!


Dove Trainer and family.

Unknown woman and her doggy children.

Many unknowns here.
Even their seating arrangement seems odd.
Unknown people at Miami Beach, in the Art Deco Historic District.

Unknown men agreed to having their picture taken in February 1939 some place in Texas.
The large heading on his newspaper is advertising a furniture and rug sale.

But their story seems to be so much more in this one simple shot.
Notice the child running by a trailer?

FACES, isn't that really enough?  It's certainly still a quest of photographers today.
These and other photos share where someone was, and for one brief moment seized their stage.

The Lost Persons Area as the sign reads, is a good place to end my post for unknowns.  So, may all the unknowns and lost people find their way back home again!

Have you guessed that my most favorite part of a photo, is the story that flows through my thoughts of it?  I bet it's the same for you too!

End of today's post.

The Rest of the Headless Woman story.

I promised to share more about that headless woman, from the Silent Woman Restaurant, in Fennimore, Wisconsin.  No, she wasn't even slightly related to any turtle!

With no time to physically drive to Fennimore (YET) for answers I consulted my wise friend, Google.

Through my search of Fennimore's headless, silent woman, I stumbled across the statue below, and many more headless women and have decided that there is quite a fascination with headless women all over.

But, not so much about my Fennimore Headless woman.  Although, our friends from a jump across the pond, surely find it as a rather common sight on many of their pubs.   It seems my presence is required, in Fennimore (a road trip) so I may dig further into the reopening of this whimsy little tale. 

Yes, the Silent Woman is open again in Fennimore.

Curiously, after consulting seven recently printed travel books from Wisconsin, not one mentioned the Silent Woman.

You might find one of my Google stops interesting.

Pearl Bryan grave in Forest Hill Cemetery in Greencastle, Indiana.
Her tale is a sad story of love and murder from the hands of a man she loved.
She is a known person,  as well as her story, but her head is still missing.

 I'm thinking this is another idea for Sepia Saturday in the making.

For more Sepia Saturday posts go here


Do you, know these people?

Are you in the mood for more unknowns, or other Sepia Saturday specials?  Go here


Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Karen, you chose stunning photos today! The kids cracking up, the girdle shop lady ... the dove trainers (that is so funny, the cats are very interested!)

Maybe you can just call the restaurant and ask, do an in depth interview on your blog about the headless woman. It never hurts to ask.

Kathy M.

darlin said...

I love the thoughts behind the photos, as well as the actual photos themselves. The children in the theater is priceless, that one put a smile on my face. The two men near the bottom of your post, they look like they're discussing the price of grain or maybe even the bootlegger... maybe both!

Once again I've enjoyed your photos, thank you.

Interesting to hear about the headless woman, the silent headless woman... well now she'd have to be silent without a head wouldn't she? lol Just teasing you Karen! Yup, I'm back. ;-)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

tony said...

Karen,What A Lovely Rare Navaho Smile ! +Some More Groovy Pics Too!

Alex Daw said...

My favourite favourite photo has to be the one of the Lost Persons area - I'm sorry to say but the woman standing on the seat on the end looks like a goose. No wait, the one on the right does. And what about the baby on the woman's it real?..or is it a doll? Hilarious.

Friko said...

The best thing about photos of unknowns is that one can make up stories about them.

Like seeing people in the street or in some building or other. You see them and a life story forms in your head.

I wonder if I’m ever right?

Cloudia said...

this is not a post, it is an experience! So rich and textured. Thanks for sharing that mind of yours.

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Mike Brubaker said...

Your selection of images, Karen, always enhances the theme photo and like a kaleidoscope gives a dazzling new perspective.

Bob Scotney said...

Not a photo out of place just like the woman at the hairdresser's hope her hair will be eventually. No girdle needed on the runner though.

Alan Burnett said...

A great collection. I particularly love the "Lost Persons Area" image, it could almost be a sub-heading for Sepia Saturday.

21 Wits said...

Alan= I agree it could! That sign of course made me quite curious about how real, or where else it might have been. I first thought yeah a place for children to be when separated from their parents, but women?? Then again back in those days many women didn't drive, and they relied on their hubby to cart them around! Thank goodness that has changed!

21 Wits said...

Kathy- thanks! I almost had a brain fade with this one, because I viewed too many Sepia posts before I did my own, and it always blocks my thinking pattern!

21 Wits said...

Cloudia- thank you so much!

Unknown said...

There is a little known cult who worship the heads of stone statures, and the heads of women are the most prized. It started out with arms, but a power struggle among early members resulted in only heads being accepted for worship. This is also where the expression "To get a head in life..." came from, which was changed to "To get ahead in life..." in the hope of keeping the existence of the cult a secret until it was time for them to corner the market on pigeon poop.

Little Nell said...

Fantastic set of photos Karen. Am I the only one who read 'Dove Trainer and his family' and thought what an odd name that guy has? Then I looked more excuse is that the sun was in my eyes (I'm sitting outside - sorry).
Now the headless woman picture would make a great Magpie prompt? Why have I not felt inspired the last couple of weeks? I bet you could write a poem about her.

Little Nell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Postcardy said...

I don't have stories running through my head like you do, but I enjoyed the pictures. My favorite is the doggie children just because I like poodles.

Anonymous said...

These were great fun!

Unknown said...

These are all wonderful photos, but the one of the little girls in the movie theater is my absolute favorite -- pure, unadulterated joy!

Tina´s PicStory said...

wonderful pics! :)

Hazel said...

Oh I enjoyed your post and would like to hear more about the headless woman. Often there are a lot of 'unknowns' being explored in those beauty saloons. I love the image of that woman with her fur kids.

Bruno Laliberté said...

Doves and cats wouldn't be a good mix in my house...
Love that woman with her poodles!!!

Yeas, the headless woman deserves further investigation!!!

21 Wits said...

Bruno- you are so right, and I'm going to put a road trip together and get to the bottom of it!

Galen Pearl said...

Wonderful photos, all! My favorite, though, is the first one of the Navajo woman smiling. People so rarely smiled in those old photos. I love her face. Always enjoy your photos!

Joy said...

Some great unknowns. The cinema photo captures the fun of a Saturday Club. The outdoor cafe must be somewhere in the UK, grab any opportunity to bask in the sun:-)

Brett Payne said...

That Lost Persons photo is bizarre indeed.

Unknown said...

The Navajo woman looks too modern it could have been taken in the 60s

JJ said...

Wow! You were so right about this post. This is my interest. Every one is a winner. My fourth child is adopted from Chile. She is an Araucanian Indian and looks Navajo. We used to visit the reservation in Arizona and only my wife and I (and the Navajo, of course) knew she was not native. She has that smile!

You could just beam me back to any setting in those photos.

North County Film Club said...

There were so many fabulous photos in this post. Every single one tells a story. But my question is? What in the heck movie were those kids watching?

anyjazz said...

Candid photographs are my priority!

I just love the one of the girl with the umbrella over the guitar. That's perfect.

21 Wits said...

JJ- I had a feeling you'd relate here! Happy you stopped by!

Wendy said...

What a fun collection of photos of people I wish I knew!

Tattered and Lost said...

That first one by Edward Curtis is one of my favorites. I would like to sit down with her and chat over some fry bread.

Tina´s PicStory said...

great bw pics! so lovely :)

21 Wits said...

WooHoo, I reposted this successfully, so it may be included in our Sepia Saturday Collection!

Anonymous said...

You should definitely be in the book. You always provide interesting photos and stories and uplifting quotes!

21 Wits said...

Rob, thanks so much. I'm really excited to see everyone in it too. I'm hoping you bring one to the book as well. Please?!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

200! Woot woot.

I thought I'd been posting for a while...went to check...only have 86 postings on my Sunday Safari.

Galen Pearl said...

#200--congratulations! Great photos and captions as always. I love how your put things together from so many sources.

Alan Burnett said...

An excellent choice Karen.

Dee said...

I love these photos. Of course, the grave monument has stirred my curiosity the most.


Filip and Kristel said...

A smile of more than 100 years old, imagine that.


Rosie said...

Great post, worthy for a second time around. I guess I would have to say that the young girl smiling and the children all laughing at the movies are my favorites.

Kristin said...

I wonder what was on the screen with those girls laughing like crazy.

tony said...

Re;your final photo i thought of Kipling's ..If you can keep your head when all about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.... !I also think every town should have a "LOST PERSONS AREA! Lovely post Karen.

Joop Zand said...

Again a wonderful post...... great work !

Greetings, Joop

Bob Scotney said...

I need a 'Lost Persons Area' these days - every time I'm dragged shopping with my wife! There are so many unknowns about.

Unknown said...

Marvelous pulling together of so many unknowns and who are fave photo is Saturday at the movies; I remember that event.

Alex Daw said...

I remember this one!

Martin said...

This is great, Karen. Now I'm doing my usual thing of wondering what took place either side of the shutter snapping!

Wendy said...

The picture of the children laughing at the movie is itself so funny. Looking again at the "Lost Persons" area, I'm thinking every major attraction should have such a place where people can go when they get separated from their friends. Hilarious.

21 Wits said...

Martin, I completely agree, and that itself would be a perfect post, the story and behind the scenes! Great gads what fun!

Mike Brubaker said...

As I said before, your blog is always a kaleidoscope of colors and angles. Every twist is something new.

DougVernX said...

Love the kids laughing. I remember those days well! :) Very nice post to Sepia Saturday 200!

Boobook said...

Love the 'Lost Persons area' photo. That really crack me up. You could write a whole blog just on that one photo.

Anonymous said...

Loved the kids at the movies. They were lost to everything else for the moment. But you talk of knowing someone by their smile. Recently I found that someone who I knew by all her smiling adult photos acutally hid an extremely unhappy chldhood. I now think she was smiling because she was so happy the way her life had changed for the better.

The Silver Fox said...

Some truly amazing images there! Thanks for sharing them!

L. D. said...

Unknowns with unknown places and unknown situations. You have a lot of great finds here that I really enjoyed.

Nancy said...

The photo of the Navajo woman is haunting. Wouldn't it be fun to have the stories behind all these photos?!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Karen, I love this post as much as I did the first time. The "Dove Trainer's Family" really jumped out at me today. You are so funny.

Hugs, My Friend, and have a super week.

Kathy M.

Bruno Laliberté said...

I wonder if you've made any progress about that headless woman now...
That lost person area picture is my fave this time around.
Quite the enjoyable read!!