This week, I'm featuring those cozy little corners or sections of fencing, or stone wall as in the photo above.

I also have a challenge for you this week. All of these pictures were taken somewhere on my own property, except for one. Can you tell me which one is not a part of our property?

All butterflies are free! Except, of course those made out of metal and glass and stuck firmly in the ground. Well something has to assist my Morning Glories.

Grapes are growing!
"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." - John Muir
JOHN MUIR - Misquoted? On the humor side of life, here's an interesting story about the above quote, I just had to share. I rather like all the versions!
Don't forget, out of the six photos I posted, can you tell me which one does not belong on my own land?