
Wayzata, Minnesota

Thursday, April 9, 2015

A One of a Kind Museum- GF

On this drizzly, overcast day just across the street from Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis sits
the Bakken Museum.

A one of a kind museum exploring the mysteries of our electrical world.  The Bakken inspires a passion for science and its potential for social good
by helping people explore the history and nature of electricity and magnetism.

The next Good Fence is part of the 5 day Black and White Series.

I nominate anyone that would enjoy posting one Black and White Photo five days! I hope you enjoy if you do it!


eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a great museum! Wonderful collection of photos and fences.. Have a happy day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the black and white fence, i do love rail fence. i really like the building behind the fence and would love to visit

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...


Small City Scenes said...

I always liked a wrought iron fence.
Maybe I will do a black and white for 5 days or maybe being me I will forget.

Debbie said...

nice, pretty details in the close ups!!! we are all fence addicts. i wonder if they have a program for that???

what has tex done to us???

TexWisGirl said...

laughing at debbie's comment. :)

love the last rugged fence in b&w, and that sounds like a neat museum!

Cranberry Morning said...

Nice fences! I've never heard of the Bakken Museum, although I've heard the name Bakken a lot, from the western burbs.

Carola Bartz said...

I like your fences. The Bakken Museum somehow reminds me of buildings in England. I love the honey colored brick. Wonderful black and white fence - when I see this I think I should do more black and white photography.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The black and white pic is great. I haven't tried anything like it, yet...

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet that museum would be fun to visit. B&W sounds like an interesting challenge. I need to think about that!

Ida said...

The museum sounds very interesting. It has some nice fencing around it. Loved your BW fence shot.

A Colorful World said...

Great fences...and pretty museum building!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

My favourite is the B & W one.

21 Wits said...

Debbie, I know, it seems fences, gates or posts are always right close to the surface in my thoughts! It's hopeless we're hooked!

RedPat said...

That must be an interesting museum!

Cloudia said...

Nice photos, K.

Earl Bakken also has given generously in Hawaii too, hospital on the Big Island and more.

ALOHA from Honolulu,

DougPhoto2009 said...

Interesting theme for the museum. B&W fence is a terrific find. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

It's looks kinda creepy from the outside, but the fence is fine.

doodles n daydreams said...

The museum itself is a lovely warm colour and contrasts beautifully with the black fence.


humbird said...

Never been at this museum really, maybe one day...Love, love this black and white picture, feels like old time classics, longing too: what's behind it... Thanks for keeping an eye at my blog :)x