
Wayzata, Minnesota

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Extraordinary Things Begin to Happen

When you let your guard down.

Being an artist is possible at any given moment. 
We tend to forget we're capable of anything. 

Michael Birawer - artist

This piece - Calm Before the Purple

Just before the Minnesota Vikings played The Wisconsin Green Bay Packers 

We do not believe in ourselves

until someone reveals that deep inside us

something is valuable.

E.E. Cummings

Ready-set-go- Grab paint, brush, open white space, you decide.

 "If someone listens, or stretches out a hand or whispers a word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen."

Loretta Firzaris

Artists and merrymakers are enthusiastic about little things

happiness being the result of personal effort and

splashing that joy about one stroke at a time.

Cheerfulness is the atmosphere in which all things thrive. 
Jean Paul

A good friend is a connection to life. 
A tie to the past,
a road to the future
the key to sanity in a totally insane world.
Lois Wyse

This time of year I capture all those marvelous gifts of nature that soon for me will be covered in snow and ice.

Sometimes the little things in life are more than enough.

Lorretta Firzaris

You haunt the forgotten parts of us that linger in my soul.

Angie Weiland-Crosby

When darkness branches to your soul, light still finds a way to rise.

A. Weiland-Crosby

On the shore of nature's magic, I dreamed summer knew no end.

That being said-

Don't become so involved with life's duties that you neglect the pleasures of adventures and goodness of ordinary things all around you.


Thanks for your visits they mean the world to me.

Take good safe care of you.


Elephant's Child said...

A big hooray for artists. And for those who capture and share beauty. Take a bow dear person. A well deserved bow.

eileeninmd said...


Love the art work and murals? I am happy to enjoy the finished work of these creative artists. Love the scarecrow with the pumpkin face. Thanks for this inspiring post, wise words and lovely photos.
Have a great day and happy week ahead.

RedPat said...

I love y our last words of wisdom, Karen. Thanks.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The world would be a less wonderful and colourful place without the creativity of the artistic mind Karen, and your own lovely outlook on life 💜

Jyoti said...

Creativity is everything! Great work by artists. Have a great day!

Debbie said...

very interesting art, so bright and colorful...very pleasing for your imagination!!