
Wayzata, Minnesota

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Being Awkward is Okay

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City Daily Photo

Please join me around town 

and also, a few flood photos after all this continuous rain. 

 "Blessed are those brave enough to make things awkward, for they wake us up and move us forward."

Glennon Doyle

Let's be awkward together.

Meet Billy the friendly Goat.


"Perhaps imagination is not where we go to escape reality but where we go to remember it."

Glennon Doyle

Some moments from a musical evening outdoors live from The Gardens of Castle Rock.

Music by Joyann Parker

"Hard work is important. So are play and nonproductivity. My worth is tied not to my productivity but to my existence. I am worthy of rest.

Glennon Doyle

"Being fully human is not about feeling happy, it's about feeling everything."

"At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets."

and know that you can be perfectly imperfect. 

Steve Maraboli

Despite the highwater levels the Gondola Romantica is still cruising on the St. Croix.

"Better believe it, those in pursuit of Happiness can't expect to remain unchanged."

Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Thank you for joining me today and for your kind words.

Take good care of you.


Sandi said...

A llama! 😊❤️❤️❤️

Elephant's Child said...

A truly wonderful collection of quotes and images.
This '"Being fully human is not about feeling happy, it's about feeling everything." spoke loudly to me. Thank you.

Revrunner said...

Plenty of rain, I see.

Yvonne said...

I love that first photo. I think a goat would be happy to go anywhere a cat would go, they are so agile. Nice quotes you picked out, but the flooding - is that where you live? I don't think I have ever made things awkward enough, but I've tried.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful pics and quotes. Hope everything's okay where you are.

eileeninmd said...

Hello and happy July, Karen!
I am happy to see a new post from you, I know you are a busy girl.
Sorry to see the flood photos, I hope everyone stayed safe.
Love all the cute critters, the goat and llama. Your grandchildren are brave holding the young gator. Wonderful photos and quotes.
Thank you for linking up your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!