Carmi's theme this week is "messiness" and it's one of those themes with so many avenues!
You'll notice for a new house job site it's not so bad. But for best yard of the year, well that will arrive soon enough.
It's the adorable stuffed animal dressing up the dumpster that caught my eye! Why not spruce it up with something cuddly right?
For other Thematic Photographic posts go to Written Inc blogspot!
Wayzata, Minnesota
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sunday, May 26, 2013
The Mag - #170
"Horses change lives. They give out young people confidence and self-esteem. They provide peace and tranquility to troubled souls, they give us hope." - Toni Robinson
At first glance, and without seeking the meaning of this artist I write ......
At first glance, and without seeking the meaning of this artist I write ......
Ponytail by Last Exit
Image by
Tess Kincaid
Magpie Tales
The Mag
Here I sit
By week within my concrete life
pondering, apart
from you.
Riding over the course of my days
barn sourly
at your absence
aloof at best.
Being one with you
thundering across my mind's eye
Dreaming like Aphrodite.
Me, alive like a horse
our thoughts and legs
move in unison.
Yours in a field of clover
mine to a tenure.
I see your gait
running the walk
and keeping pace until
I place my kiss upon your blaze
once again we
For more Magpie Tales go here
Saturday Centus - 25 May 2013
"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."
- Howard Zim
Welcome to my Sunday edition of "Saturday Centus" from Jenny's Off on my tangent" blog.
Today in honor of Memorial Day weekend her prompt is, "All gave some. Some gave all."
Our centus in 106 words, any style writing and any photos.
- Howard Zim
Welcome to my Sunday edition of "Saturday Centus" from Jenny's Off on my tangent" blog.
Today in honor of Memorial Day weekend her prompt is, "All gave some. Some gave all."
Our centus in 106 words, any style writing and any photos.
All gave some. Some gave all.
Some are still giving.
I went to visit my father on Friday.

My father was a very proud Navy man!
Memorial Day was always May 30th
But like many holidays we honor them
on the nearest
If you ever get a chance to attend a
Memorial Day Ceremony
do it.
It's warm-hearted process is lasting.
We honor those who fought
alive today or not.
My belief, is to remember our flag,
The United States of America.
In my mother's words
our flag should always wave in honor
and never be made into shirts or shorts.
A very art worthy post you'll want to see
my mother would approve of the children's art I know it!
Patriotic Art
posted by Raising Arizona Kids
Wise words
Be Above Board
Beware between the Devil and the deep
Carry on
Ships Ahoy!
For more Saturday Centus go here
and to the Republic for which it stands
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Sepia Saturday 178 - 25 May 2013
"The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
This face says it all when facing his nemesis!
Remember the old movie, Caddyshack with Bill Murray?
Faces speak to us in so many ways.
Can you tell that Alan, from Sepia Saturday has offered "faces" as our theme this week?
Faces, are definitely a very important and usually says a
lot about what's going on in our life. Especially, when the mood hits us just right.
Then there are those faces that will never need a name, because at first glance you know who it is.
Some faces we'll never ever forget.
Faces will forever link us to so many things.
So many faces, so many lives, just waiting to be noticed.
Or not, as in bottom row left face.
Our face is our most important thing we own, don't you think?
It just tells our entire story!
Sometimes it explains us just for the moment- but always with great story!
For more Sepia Saturday posts go here
Six Word Saturday - 25 May 2013
Good rainy morning to wet the grasses and water the gardens, allows time for blogging until the sun shines!
If you travel the quote circuit like I have for ALL of MY LIFE, you come to realize many quotes aren't always connected to how most of us really live.
I like matching folks to their quotes, like a bartender does to a person's drink choice.
Quotes are my jump starter, as they dispense wisdom into our hurling lives. Take them or leave them, love them or not. It's your life.
But always remember those that quote, often live by other means. This is one of those inspiring quotes, that makes me pause, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
It belongs to J.K. Rowling
Really? She really, really quoted that?
Ever feel you've reached a crossroad?
To dream or not to dream?
If you travel the quote circuit like I have for ALL of MY LIFE, you come to realize many quotes aren't always connected to how most of us really live.
I like matching folks to their quotes, like a bartender does to a person's drink choice.
Or like
A dog owner to their dog.
Odd I know, but fun.
Quotes are my jump starter, as they dispense wisdom into our hurling lives. Take them or leave them, love them or not. It's your life.
But always remember those that quote, often live by other means. This is one of those inspiring quotes, that makes me pause, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
It belongs to J.K. Rowling
Really? She really, really quoted that?
For other Six Word Saturday posts at Cate's Show My Face Blog go here
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Saturday Centus - 18 May 2013 Blimey!
"Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate after all." - Johnny Depp
Saturday Centus presents
Saturday Centus presents
A Pirate Challenge
this week!
In 102 words with as much pirate business as we see fit and any number of photos!
Aye Matey, the prompt is - Argh, Matey!
"Argh, Matey!"
Will the real Tessa Rose please draw her sword?
Yo Ho Ho
There seems to be a battle between pirates for the
title of
Captain Tessa Rose.
Aaaarrrrgggghhhh !
It's time to pull out the
Cat O'Nine Tails ladies
and see who is the bravest of them all!
Somebody (via internet) said this is Tessa Rose.
But, my fair Buccaneers, Jenny
also swears she IS Captain Tessa Rose!
I also received the title of
Tessa Rose
Pirate Name Generator link
How can that be?
Batten down the hatches.
None of us want to be
Hang'im from the yardarm.
Captain Tessa Rose has
Run a shot across the bow
to Scuttle our ship.
By the week's end we'll know who the alpha pirate is!
and we'll be sipping Rum!
I also received the title of
Tessa Rose
Pirate Name Generator link
How can that be?
Batten down the hatches.
None of us want to be
Hang'im from the yardarm.
Captain Tessa Rose has
Run a shot across the bow
to Scuttle our ship.
By the week's end we'll know who the alpha pirate is!
and we'll be sipping Rum!
For more Saturday Centus posts at Jenny's "Off my tangent" blog go here
Six Word Saturday - 18 May 2013
Where Cate, from Show My Face blog wants to know,
"What's happening in Six Words!"
On this rainy day in Minneapolis what is a girl to do?
London, San Francisco, New York City, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Honolulu, and Barcelona all have it. Endless supplies of it.
They always keep up with the latest news!
They're all perfectly polished.
Sharing Golden Moments.
London might just be my most favorite sightings for Street Performers!
Check out this link to see what I mean!
Never a dull moment when you STOP
to be entertained!
and leave a little coin
or more.
to be entertained!
and leave a little coin
or more.
Let us make your day! Minneapolis does offer many musical entertainers!
New York City
But I've yet to see a couple like this, and how lucky they can bring their dog to work too!
To view more Six Word Saturday posts go here
Friday, May 17, 2013
Sepia Saturday - 177 - 18 May 2013
"Truly wonderful the mind of a child is." - Yoda
Keep your inner child alive for as long as you can.

Alan's theme photo brings playful children turning every which way on a railing. Strangely enough, rails and children playing on them have been quite common for years. The photo below is from the Library of Congress and listed as "A very important picture." But what makes it so important?
Keep your inner child alive for as long as you can.

Alan's theme photo brings playful children turning every which way on a railing. Strangely enough, rails and children playing on them have been quite common for years. The photo below is from the Library of Congress and listed as "A very important picture." But what makes it so important?
Taken on October 27, 1938 the photographer had been taking pictures of very important people that had been conferring with President Roosevelt all day, and on his way back from the laboratory, he saw these girls and asked the photographer to take their picture.
The White House is in the background and the girls are, Patricia Freeman and Frances Grove.
I believe the most important thing about Sepia Saturday, is how it continues to teach me.
I stumbled across this interesting blog that you may enjoy as well.
The Great Wen
a London Blog
Peter Watts
I'm pretty sure most of you have seen this familiar photo right?
What time is it?
It's lunchtime.
For years these 11 iron workers have been mostly a mystery.
Discover more about them at this link.
If you really look into Alan's photo you'll notice there's so much more going on beyond the railing and children being silly.
Just look through the next few photos and you'll see what I mean.
Father and son, a walk in the park.
“This life is for loving, sharing, learning, smiling, caring, forgiving, laughing, hugging, helping, dancing, wondering, healing, and even more loving." - Steve Maraboli
Take some precious people time this weekend and just smell the roses and play like a child.
If you want to travel back in time for more Sepia Saturday posts go here
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Thematic Photographic - #244
"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce." - Karl Lagerfeld
Thematic Photographic-
Now I definitely know, Carmi is challenging our pursuit for live and current photos. How do I know this?
He's given us frozen, as our theme now that (spring and summer-like) weather finally arrived.
So I shall offer ( a dear to my heart) frozen,
Because I'm totally-tired of seeing ice and snow photos, so I give you -
Thematic Photographic-
Now I definitely know, Carmi is challenging our pursuit for live and current photos. How do I know this?
He's given us frozen, as our theme now that (spring and summer-like) weather finally arrived.
So I shall offer ( a dear to my heart) frozen,
Because I'm totally-tired of seeing ice and snow photos, so I give you -
A photo of me, on my last visit (frozen in my memories) to (can you guess where) not that long ago. It was an awesome visit, and I actually rode the Light Rail about 20 miles from the suburb I used to live in all the way to this very spot!
Some of our best kept memories are FROZEN within us!
"Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it." - L. M. Montgomery
For more Thematic Photographic posts or try something new and bring one of your own just go here
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Mag - 168
"The mere process of growing old together will make the slightest acquaintance seem a bosom friend." - Logan Pearsall Smith
Oh yes, she says, "Grow old with me, and the best will arrive someday!"
Or, maybe not.
Image by- Togan Gokbakar
Story, by me.
Will she ever learn?
They met outside the courtroom, where the judge just awarded her one thousand dollars a month in their divorce on the grounds of non-support by Mr. Cheapskate.
He responded innocently, "Gee, with that kind of money, I'm not sure if I should remarry you, or leave town and send you a buck or two once a year myself."
This has been a Magpie Tale post for Tess Kincaid
at The Mag
for more Magpie posts go here
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Sepia Saturday - 176 11 May 2013
"The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, and all the sweet serenity of books."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Our Sepia Saturday this week involves teaching, and learning from Alan's theme photo below.

In honor of that beloved, sweet blessing of knowledge, (and all the things we've learned within us) and an underlining theme for Mother's Day that many of us are celebrating this weekend, I offer this.
1905 Learning to walk.
October 1942
Mothers and grandmothers made sure to teach their little girls the fundamentals of womanhood, like sewing. In those days sewing wasn't just a hobby, it was often a necessity.
Also 1942
Learning how to drive nails in a country school. Wilmington, Delaware, at Tower Hill School.
How we made a compass. The handwriting on the blackboard is (as well as the blackboard) not so common these days. Even the compass is being replaced.
Seriously, The Boy Scouts?
On To the big wagons!
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Our Sepia Saturday this week involves teaching, and learning from Alan's theme photo below.

In honor of that beloved, sweet blessing of knowledge, (and all the things we've learned within us) and an underlining theme for Mother's Day that many of us are celebrating this weekend, I offer this.
1905 Learning to walk.
Surprisingly enough this teaching device is still used today, of course in many other designs.
After learning to walk, comes the real fun stuff. Baby ballerinas.
Dance like nobody is watching.
October 1942
Mothers and grandmothers made sure to teach their little girls the fundamentals of womanhood, like sewing. In those days sewing wasn't just a hobby, it was often a necessity.
Also 1942
Learning how to drive nails in a country school. Wilmington, Delaware, at Tower Hill School.
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
1899 Washington D.C. students learn dance techniques at school.
Tower Hill School, Wilmington, Delaware, Country School children from to age 3 to 18 years old also learning to dance.
Learning wasn't always just games and dancing, sometimes it was tedious work like flower making with their mother. I wonder how many mothers today teach their children, especially boys, flower making?
1915 Photographer, Lewis Wickes Hines.
Any fool can know. The point is to understand.
Albert Einstein
How we made a compass. The handwriting on the blackboard is (as well as the blackboard) not so common these days. Even the compass is being replaced.
Seriously, The Boy Scouts?
The photo absolutely reads, Boy Scouts learning to shoot.
Loading rocks in their wagon. Is it playtime?
On To the big wagons!
1942 Detroit, Driver's training course.
It sure appears they're having a blast in Chemistry 101.
Learning is simple
if you try.
Thanks for stopping by for another Sepia Saturday Post for more
go here
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