Carmi from
as our theme this week.
This theme literally speaks
to what's happening in my life.
(probably your life as well)
Please enjoy my perception of
it arrives from a place very long ago
Where I cherish bringing spirit and magic throughout our family traditions
I won't count the number of Christmas trees I've decorated so far in my life, just know this is a repetitive thing I do.
Let's roll out our inspirations!
This may be mostly repetitive, but there are changes too.
and as Thomas Moore quoted
"To live with a high degree of artfulness
means to attend to the small things
that keep the soul engaged
in whatever we are doing,
and it is the very heart of soul-making."
as our theme this week.
This theme literally speaks
to what's happening in my life.
(probably your life as well)
Please enjoy my perception of
it arrives from a place very long ago
Where I cherish bringing spirit and magic throughout our family traditions
I won't count the number of Christmas trees I've decorated so far in my life, just know this is a repetitive thing I do.
Let's roll out our inspirations!
This may be mostly repetitive, but there are changes too.
and as Thomas Moore quoted
"To live with a high degree of artfulness
means to attend to the small things
that keep the soul engaged
in whatever we are doing,
and it is the very heart of soul-making."
The meeting (and shaking hands) of one painted nutcracker to a newly constructed nutcracker ready for paint.
"We can only see half of anything.
The other half is the meaning
we give to anything we see."
we give to anything we see."
The meaning these charming memory makers offer
are memories of yesterday, very long ago.
are memories of yesterday, very long ago.
"There is not one big cosmic meaning for all.
There is only the meaning we all give to our lives,
an individual meaning."
Anais Nin
I love sharing
My very own meaning.
I love sharing
My very own meaning.
"It is the nature of things to be drawn
to the very experiences
that will spoil our innocence
transform our lives
and give us necessary complexity and depth."
Thomas Moore
"Off to the paint shop Nutcracker?"
"Usually, the main problem with life conundrums
is that we don't bring to them enough imagination."
Thomas Moore
is that we don't bring to them enough imagination."
Thomas Moore
"The world is full of magic things,
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
W.B. Yeats
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
W.B. Yeats
"If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
Shel Silverstein
"Anything is possible. Anything can be."
Take good care of you
and I'm wishing happy decorating and festivity making for all!
Thanks for sharing this time with me and saying hello.