
Wayzata, Minnesota

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Passeio de cidade

Let's go for a walk!

Join me in a city tour to wash the blues away.

"Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive."

Winter can be an overwhelming and aggressive spirit that either chills your vulnerable body and soul, or invigorates your wildest imagination. It seldom caresses you like a midsummer's day and can easily bring you to your knees upon an icy path.

Yet the sheer erosion of a moonlit winter landscape has the power to lift your spirits, symbolizing a most pleasurable experience like no other season.

Absolute zero
yet sunny.

Winter things.

candy canes
brisk winds
gray misty cold day
strong wind blowing

Is that sculpture reaching for the sky?

Hot Chocolate
ice skating

Artfully so!

You better let somebody love you before it's too late.
The Eagles

Do you get the feeling this a ghost town?
Where are all the people?

Those things that please you
invite them in.
(this blizzard will soon pass)
it seems spring is waiting just around the corner.

I spy a person in the distance.

Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?

in the end, 
the love you take is equal 
to the love you make.
The Beatles

Love more
hate less.
don't hate period

Thanks for stopping by
Take good care of you.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Keep Up and Pass It Along

Life teaches us that in every
 face to face encounter
regardless of how brief
we leave something behind.
Also, we are apt to pass it on.

It determines the rest of our day.

and Happy 

Each loving a family pet!
Rusty and Jasmine.
 Now where is Oliver?

Let your playful side win!

"Life is not about how fast you run
 or how high you climb 
but how well you bounce."
Or eat!

"Writing is a lot like making soup.
My subconscious cooks the idea,
but I have to sit down at the computer to pour it out."
Robin Wells

Feel the wonder about you.

Ever since my childhood,
(pretty sure it began one Halloween evening)
I discovered 
One of my secret passions
is to stand still surrounded by darkness
at let the glows that illuminate our path 
brighten our way.
Shine on and carry the light.

New discoveries light your way.

You just know it was a blast to attend
Let's meet "Pete the Cat" author in Huntsville, Alabama
at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center

I've learned that untold treasures are found
 in the imagination of  a child.
H. Jackson Brown

On the road again.
Selling Girl Scout cookies!

"We begin in childhood that the simplest, tiresome or heaviest task
is most meaningful if you do it with the right spirit."

"Those that dare not to dream big
are cowards
for they fear to expose
the already great potentials 
embedded inside of them."

Little one, who watches, over our pond
we love you.

Betting he's covered in snow as you read this post.

You'll never be able to tell how high a frog can jump
just by looking at him.

This is something worth chewing on-

"We have too many high sounding words, 
and too few actions that correspond with them."
Abigail Adams

Lyra grew up with "Pete the Cat"
just one of many series.

Don't let anyone tell you that keeping a journal of the fun, exciting and satisfying things that happen to you everyday 
aren't worth writing down.
Keeping the memory of them
is as important as the next breath you take.

If we never listen to those moments 
when creativity interrupts our daily life,
well we'd never have any art. Of any kind.

At some point in time
 we learn the great challenge of life
is to decide what's important and to
disregard everything else.

When someone tells you
 that you'll fail at something
don't believe them. 
Try anyway.

We've all learned that sometimes that one thing
or place or being that you could always rely upon
sometimes goes away.

Going to miss coming here.

Nothing could be more fun than
spending the afternoon with 
 40 degrees on an icy lake in Minneapolis.
and dogs that remind you how to be more playful.

We've all learned at one time
that every great achievement
was once considered impossible.

I've recently learned that nobody really knows 
at what precise moment 
when you discover that
one something you never really understood
until that precise moment 
of your discovery.

What happens 
when reality arrives?
What you do with it
makes all the difference.

It really doesn't matter how you get there
just that you do.

Be Bold.

The heart that gives, gathers.
Tao Te Ching 

Advice From a Tree
Stand tall and proud
Go out on a limb
Remember your roots
Drink plenty of water
Be content with your natural beauty
Enjoy the view.

Thanks for stopping by.
Live like a tree and
Take good care of you.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Few Critters


Things we hand down to our children that were handed down to us and will forever be handed down to future generations.
We're given life. It's up to us to make our living matter. 

There's something refreshing about 
 snowflakes falling from the sky 
and it feels like a thing of wonderment!

If it's snow on the range and a winter palace surrounds our arctic hearth and snowy forts, Misty is all in. 

The more snow on her face the better. She just hates having her picture taken.

My day off this week I spent time with Danny Jr. and Mason (school closed because we live in a frozen tundra) and quality time with their adorable pets too.

Rusty follows my every footstep making it tricky taking photos of the kitty cats. Jasmine has her eyes glued to Rusty behind me!

You know she's thinking, don't you dare enter my space puppy dog!

Clearly, Oliver doesn't mind his buddy and pal Rusty.

Rusty at the moment has his attention on

"What kind of snack are you eating Mason?"

Another kind of critter.

Meet my newest Scarecrow I brought to the deck for safety from our winter storm. You can see how well that worked.

Thanks for wiping the snow from my face but how about

Yes! I'm a little less snowy of a Scarecrow!

Stunning nature moment.

We've survived this arctic blast that sunk us deep inside another frozen tundra  our motto WE SURVIVED this too.

"You've got to find the force inside you."
Joseph Campbell

.....he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over to give birth to themselves."
Gabriel Garcia Marques

In case any of you (like especially the Floridians including my co-workers that escape there until April) just in case you're wondering what we've been up too, not just quick-brisk-evening walks

lots, and lots of yummy cakes of various structures and flavors.

and busy putting away a few more winter-wonderland-decorations that have cheered our souls enough for this season.

Snow crafts 

and can't forget all our warming for the soul tummy comforts!

Thanks for stopping in
stay warm or cool whatever the case for you and
take good care of you.