Greetings out there...... are you thruming like a live wire......and does this post catch you raving abundantly with an inchoerence of joy and simply......ecstatically jubilant over another new day! Of course and why not as it's Friday and last night TP posted it's new theme being.......
"Happiness is..." if you care to share in some happy, sappy or flappy kind of happy of your own just go here please
I may not be whole, but I'm given to poetic enthusiasm, for a life well lived, and I'm untouched by any long ago recklessness, since today I stand here full of insatiable beauty carved in stone and pleasantly humble just for you to view my amusement of watching all who pass by.... |
Flower powered with enthusiasm so bright it's swimming in a scented sensation amongst a wildly primitive explosion of life....and blossoms...... |
A family gathering as the pleasures are many and we're feeling an uncrushable enthusiasm...flying kites and laughing until they get caught in a tree....quick someone come set them free! |
Tell me, how could life be more happy then this? |
I guess I'm a sucker for redheads so that photo has to be my favourite; the flowers are not bad either. Is the lady you? And/or is she the toddlers mum (same red hair)?
Bob, the pretty girl enjoying the flowers, is my daughter, and the toddler is my son's little babe! I wish we had those flowers outside today! Oh that would be extra lovely!
Great photos and contagious enthusiasm! Life is good indeed!
I have a hard time reading your blog and not coming away with a smile on my face. Happens every time I visit: Your attitude is infectious, and I wish more people in this world followed your lead. However you do it, I need to learn from you.
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