
Wayzata, Minnesota

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sepia Saturday 29- September 2012


Last week one of Alan's themes related to no heads- and this week no feet- it's all about boys and various sports.

So my first photo for today is this combination-

At Rutland, Vermont State Fair
4 - H Club boys tending their cows.
September 1937

A couple of heads, a few feet and lots of behinds!

For some reason Bob Dylan's song-
"Long Time Gone"
comes to mind for  me

My parents raised me tenderly,
I was their only son,
My mind got mixed with ramblin'
When I was all so young-

Daytona Beach, Florida - here are some happy boys-
Bethune-Cookman College and Mrs. Shaw handing out mail to college and NYA (National Youth Administration) students in front of the boys' dormitory.

Look ma, no feet or shoes!

And I left my home the first time
When I was twelve and one.
I'm a long time a-comin', Maw,
An' I'll be a long time gone.

Won't you buy my pumpkin sir?

Farmer's Market in the Bronx 1958 with Mayor Robert F. Wagner buying a pumpkin from Arthur Conklin.  Doesn't mention if they bought any Lima beans at that great price of fifteen cents a pound!

On the west side of Texas,
On the Texas plains,
I tried to find a job o'work
But they said I's young of age.
My eyes they burned when I heard,
"Go home where you belong!"
I'm a long time a-comin'-
An' I'll be a long time gone.

I remember when I's ramblin'
Around with the carnival trains,
Different towns, Different people,
Somehow they're all the same.
I remember children's faces best,
I remember travlin' on.
I'm a long time a-comin',
An' I'll be a long time gone.

How about happy feet, and childhood-pranks and such.

The empty air hung in my head
I's thinkin' all day long.

Hats on, Hats off.

Some appear happy, while others not so happy. According to the photo, some of these boys worked at Warps Spinning Room, while one boy Charles Wuest worked at 43 Brooks Street in a drawing room. The location says, Lawrence, Massachusetts in September of 1911.

As I'm a-driftin' from your view.
I ain't got the time to think about it,
I got too much to get done.
Well, I'm a long time comin'.

A boyhood moment- one thinks of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer except for those knowing they're just boys from Wisconsin out building childhood memories.

Working boys, seem to carry the expression of "not so thrilled with my days."

Lowell, Massachusetts - October 1911
No feet showing, but they're probably sore, as these boys worked well into the midnight hour as the photo reads.

If I can't help somebody
With a word or song
If I can't show somebody
They are travelin' wrong,
But I know I ain't no prophet
An' I ain't no prophet's son
I'm just a long time a-comin'
An' I'll be a long time gone.

Einstein on the beach with no feet?  Or-

(So this ends Alan's mention with our theme running along the absence of feet as well!)

With a really unbelievable photo of Einstein after this great music video.

Not only feet and shoes, but take a close look at his shoes.
What a fashion statement he's making!
If you would like to visit other Sepia Saturday posts
go here


Little Nell said...

The 'Tom Sawyer' picture certainly makes us think of happier times than the ones where child labour is being used. I think these are Lewis Hines again. However, the prize ges to Einstein wearing rather feminine footwear! A nice mix as usual Karen, with something to make us think.

Unknown said...

It is hard for me to imagine there still being a farmer's market in the Bronx as late as 1958.

21 Wits said...

Little Nell- I know I fear many young lads back in the day worked far too hard, but it did give them a sense of determination for sure. I also was really taken a back when I stumbled on Einstein in those shoes! I believe my mother owned a pair just like those and they were not very comfortable either! Amazing-and one I'm looking further into!

21 Wits said...

Jerry- I think (at least around here) the farmer's market is such a big thing! I had to chuckle with the Lima bean sign though. They were the only veggie as a child that made me gag! I even loved brussel sprouts...but hide the Lima beans please!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i always have to come see your sepia pic's...what a collection!

but my favorite really has to be einstein!!! hahahahaaaa!!!!!!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Interesting post, even if a boy's life may not have been as ideal as we could imagine. To think that nowadays, kids rule, things have certainly changed a lot!!

Einstein's kinky side?!?

Caminante said...

Some great photos. The Huck Finn one is timeless, but the climbing frame picture makes me think that, these days, Health and Safety concerns, not kids, rule.

21 Wits said...

Little Nell- I forgot to mention, yes Hines is a favorite of mine, he went around and shot what life was like, and for that I am forever thankful!

21 Wits said...

Ticklebear- I think you're right! ;)

21 Wits said...

Laura F- I so agree with you! Mine too!

21 Wits said...

Caminate- I so agree-when the children get out to play that is, these days!

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Karen,

First, I love your new profile pic. Mine is several years old now, but I'm afraid to change it.

This post is way cool and so original. I love how you included the song and found all of these old pictures to match. I admire how your mind works, lady! I might try something similar sometime with a Jimmy Buffett song, lol.

So, was Albert a cross-dresser, I wonder?

A most excellent post!

Kathy M.

Joy said...

Great photos of when times were tougher for kids but they were too. I'd have picked the pumpkin too not knowing what Lima Beans were even at that bargain price, but see we call them butter beans although in Greece they just call them Giant Beans. A case of say what you see.

JJ said...

I could be the boy fishing under the bridge. Great photos, and great memories.

Peter said...

My favorite is the picture of the Wisconsin boys. And as far as Einstein's shoes are concerned, don't worry, everything is relative...

FilipBlog said...

I can already imagine what the teacher said, all your arms next to your body for the picture. Now! In those days there was still discipline.


21 Wits said...

Peter- absolutely, we do know that he was a very wise man! Thanks for stopping by!

Pondside said...

I liked all the old photos to go with Dylan's words. Now, Eintstein, well those shoes are just too cute, and the man had great legs!

21 Wits said...

Filip and Kristel- I see that too!

21 Wits said...

JJ I thought that was you under there!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love these old photos, especially the boys caring for their animals.

21 Wits said...

Pondside - you are so right- his legs are quite lovely!

Cloudia said...

what a powerfully conceived and carried out post! well done indeed

Aloha from Honolulu,

Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

21 Wits said...

Cloudia- Thanks for the kind words! I think these are some of the best expressed photos of all time....true life uncovered!

darlin said...

Karen as I was reading through your magnificent post the thought came to me that if only the kids today had to work half as hard as the kids did back then maybe, just maybe there'd be a tad bit more respect from our youth. The young fellas milking cows, put a young fella in a barn today and if he'd even get near the cow that would be half the battle beaten, it's much to easy to send mom to the store for more milk... and mom goes. K nuf of that already! lol

What was Einstein thinking? That sure looks like women's shoes to me, he really was eccentric wasn't he?

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Deb Gould said...

Einstein is a hoot! Love this whole post...

Unknown said...

Oh, I can't stand Lima beans, either!

21 Wits said...

Jerry- I so understand! I like them better now, lost in a delicious soup, and not an entire mouthful of them! :)

Bob Scotney said...

I often try to identify the photo I like best in your posts, Karen. Today it has to be the 'Tom Sawyer' - That could have been me fishing - but not dressed like that.

Kathy said...

Great collection of photos! Two of them got me in the mood for fall - the boys with the pumpkin and the boys of the Caesar Gang with their chickens and cornstalks in the background.

Queen Bee said...

In the South we call them butterbeans, unless the beans have been dried and then they are called lima beans. Personally, I love butterbeans but can't stand lima beans! Great post!

Jana Iverson Last said...

Love the "huck-fin" style photo! And the pic of Einstein? Photoshop comes to mind.

Tattered and Lost said...

All the shots were wonderful, but Einstein takes the cake!

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Karen, and a cleverly put together post. Einstein's shoes are a bit bizarre, but he has good legs! Jo :-)

Anonymous said...

A clever mix of lyrics and photos! Albert Einstein is an iconic figure, even with these shoes...