
Wayzata, Minnesota

Friday, December 6, 2013

If You Celebrate

St Nicholas Day, did you leave your shoes outside your door last night?

A tradition longed lived since my earliest remembrance of childhood.


Remember this day as everyday we should
Do A Good Deed Today!


TexWisGirl said...

never had this celebration. :)

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Karen that is such a lovely tradition. It's exciting to find the shoes filled with goodies. In Switzerland the 6Th December is the night when St. Nicholas visits the children with a bag of sweets, but also to reprimand them to be good and diligent. Here in australia this tradition is not known. The children hang up a stocking on the 24Th to be filled with presents by Father Christmas, they leave some food for him to give him sustenance for his travel from the North Pole!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd forgotten all about it.

Great pics, Karen.

Cloudia said...

Thank you dear K.

We leave our footwear outside always, but no one puts candy in them! Lol

♥ Aloha

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I remember when my husband left his sandals outside of a Krishna temple... well, someone made off w/them...hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Amazing you do this. Dutch people always think Holland is the only place celebrating St. Nicholas (or as we say Sinterklaas). Don't forget to put a carrot in your shoe for his horse...

Unknown said...

If my shoes had of been left outside, they would be full of snow! So, I'll just go without any presents this year, thank you very much.

Lola said...

Love all the different traditions around the world!