"Everyday is a delicious beginning for my heart's soul. Ravishing all that surrounds my soul deep within the gladness of my heart; in loving you brand new again, morning after morning." Karen S.
New York at night Vivienne Gucwa
Image posted by Tess Kincaid for The Mag
or so I dream.
When first we met
in evening's air
on Triborough Bridge stars so bright.
My heart flipped over.
No other chance meeting
could compare.
There was a softness that bespoke
our whispered pledges
illuminated by night.
Underneath our trembling lips
your butterfly touches
send ripples down my spine.
Our eyes speak
what we utter not.
I shan't stop myself tonight.
Nice memory.
In a way, magical...
I specially like the ending ~ Very romantic ~
H to the OT, HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Claudia is right! HOT!
By the way, when I see your name, I always think it's me. I'm a Karen S. (middle and maiden names) too.
Claudia is right! HOT!
By the way, when I see your name, I always think it's me. I'm a Karen S. (middle and maiden names) too.
I agree. It is HOT, but it is NY, so it must be dangerous as well.
Oh, my..I suddenly feel much warmer on this frigid day..I have you to thank for that!! Very well done!
Your title adds much meaning to the piece.
Chance meetings often have lovely endings .... very nice.
If this was a film... I would hear violins playing softly... very nice meeting.
isn't it wonderful, that special feeling you get with another. Hope it lasted more than a chance meeting! {:-Deb
I usually share other's poems here on the Sat. before the write. I am busy all week with prompts in my G+community and such. I really enjoy the sharing and you are always a delight!
I love this Karen "Our eyes speak
what we utter not.
I shan't stop myself tonight."
Oh hell yes! Lol!
A Safe Person for sure! Because now it's the way we must think which can take away from the mysticism of it all which your poem brings back for me.
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