
Wayzata, Minnesota

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Onward Green and Saturday Critters

"Laughter is wine for the soul
laughter soft,
or loud and deep,
tinged through with seriousness
the hilarious declaration
made by man that life is worth living."
Sean O'Casey

Playing catch up with last Monday's

Green is the prime color of the world,
and that which loveliness arises.
Pedro Calderon de la Barca

You'll see green throughout every photo.

The many shades of green is one of those colors 
ever finding
 and continues flowing
through our everyday lives.

The future will either be green
or not at all.
Bob Brown

Also playing catch up with

Sometimes I hear
"Being a person is getting too complicated.
Time to be a unicorn.
What do you think Miss Unicorn?

If you ask me, any Renaissance Fair is a place you 
wish to revisit again and again.

Once again she rides a pony
where every ride's another gift 
both for giver and recipient 
and both 
are transformed 
by their encounter.

You can be a rooster one day 
and a feather duster the next.
So be happy for 
what you are now.

Clink, clink, clink...

Clink, clink, cliNK!
"What's this falling from your arm?"
asked the Wacky Chicken.

Around every bend we wander,
Nature wraps its soft tenderness,
 generosity and wonder
around us. 

"Be the positive light that the crowd follows;
instead of allowing them to block your light
to your true purpose on earth."
Edmond Mbiaka

Note to fair goers, be very careful what you put inside 
your purse, you just never know when a Wacky Chicken
might pull things out!

"Your mental attitudes are the parents of your life's outcome.
Edmond Mbiaka

"Look deep into nature,
and then you will understand everything better."

"I am not everything I want to be,
but I'm more than I was,
and I'm still learning."
Charlotte Eriksson

Thanks for stopping in
 enjoy your week ahead
and take good care of you.


Sandi said...

The hands on that giant puppet man are terrifying, but I love the Bavarian village in that background. Did they build that just for the Faire?

"The future will either be green
or not at all.
Bob Brown"


And, is time to be a unicorn.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful quotes and photos from the Renaissance Fair. I love the cute unicorn and your princess riding the horse. Green is a beautiful color. I am hoping for a green future. Love the rooster, cute kitties and the turkeys. Beautiful butterfly. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week!

Debbie said...

you did well with your green challenge karen!! i have never been to a renaissance fair, you make it sound fabulous!!

"being a person is getting too complicated, time to be a unicorn" i like the, life has gotten complicated! my great nieces and i always pretend to be unicorns!!!

Hena Tayeb said...

So many wonderful photographs and moments captured

RedPat said...

Love your quotes, Karen! That butterfly pic is incredible!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Better to be a rooster than a feather duster

Cloudia said...

Thanks Honey! We needed this