Sea gulls posing
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
in the soda shop we're listening
Christmas tunes a playing
Oh what
A beautiful sight
and especially tonight
(from an ocean it's pure delight)
We're happy tonight
walking in a winter wonderland
Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is a new bird
here fishy, fishy
To sing a love song
While we stroll along
our fishing pole in hand
Sailing in a winter wonder-sunshine.
In the meadow, we can build a snowman
We'll pretend that he is Parson Brown
Or why not Mr. Grinch?
if Parsons not around.
He'll say, are you married
We'll say, no man
But you can do the job when you're in town.
Later on, we'll conspire
hot chocolate we so desire
As we dream by the fire
Or better yet, Lake Harriet
To face unafraid
the plans that we've made
While playing Christmas games
Walking and a playing
in a winter wonderland.
Just having winter wonderful time
Just walking
and singing in
our winter wonderland.
In the sweetness of friendship
let there be laughter,
and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things
the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
Khalil Gibran
It's always a pleasure to share time with you.
Take good care of you.
You have heart and eyes to see and help us see it too, K!
A lovely happy wonderland of a post! What a lovely festive feeling to it. And some great pictures. I think my favourite was the happy family shot - other people are what Christmas is all about for me. But I also do love those beautiful coloured sleigh bells on the horses -wish I had seen that! All the best to you in 2020!
Thank you for your usual heart-warming, whimsical post.
A sweet post for the day, Karen! ;-)
Good morning, Karen! Feeling good post, our winter - a wonder for sure, sometimes I'm thinking we have to meet for tea and music one day...
The Best 2020 for you and yours!
Much Love <3
What a delightful post. Terrific pictures too!
What a delightful post. Terrific pictures too!
Wonderful photos of your family and Christmas scenes. I hope you and your family had a Happy Christmas. I wish you and your family all the best in 2020, Happy New Year! Have a happy day and new week ahead!
such a fun post, it looks like you have been "moving around"!! winter clothes, snow and fishing with short sleeve shirts!!
we don't have any snow yet!! your snowman is adorable, i can't wait to build one!!
seeing you, surrounded by the grands, is a "beautiful sight"!!
Bįŗ”n Äang phįŗ£i vĆ² Äįŗ§u Äį» lį»±a chį»n mį»t cĆ“ng ty Dį»ch thuįŗt tįŗ”i BiĆŖn HĆ²a ÄĆ”ng tin cįŗy, giĆ” thĆ nh phįŗ£i chÄng vĆ uy tĆn? Bįŗ”n Äang khĆ³ khÄn, bį»i rį»i trong viį»c cĆ¢n nhįŗÆc Äį» trao niį»m tin cį»§a mƬnh vĆ o mį»t cĆ“ng ty trong hĆ ng ngĆ n, hĆ ng dĆ£y danh sĆ”ch cĆ”c cĆ“ng ty Dį»ch thuįŗt į» Äį»ng Nai? Äį» giĆŗp bįŗ”n thĆ”p gį»” nhį»Æng khĆ³ khÄn įŗ„y, hĆ£y tƬm Äįŗæn Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai nhĆ cung į»©ng dį»ch vį»„ dį»ch thuįŗt chuyĆŖn nghiį»p, mį»t trong nhį»Æng cĆ“ng ty dį»ch thuįŗt uy tĆn nhįŗ„t tįŗ”i HĆ Nį»i hiį»n nay.
CĆ“ng ty Tnhh dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai. Hoįŗ”t Äį»ng 2 lÄ©nh vį»±c chĆnh:
Dį»ch Thuįŗt CĆ“ng Chį»©ng
Hį»£p phĆ”p hoĆ” lĆ£nh sį»±, visa du lį»ch, du hį»c
Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai lĆ mį»t cĆ“ng ty chuyĆŖn cung cįŗ„p cĆ”c dį»ch vį»„ dį»ch thuįŗt Äa ngĆ“n ngį»Æ cĆ³ trį»„ sį» tįŗ”i HĆ Nį»i. Vį»i phĘ°Ę”ng chĆ¢m hoįŗ”t Äį»ng Chįŗ„t LĘ°į»£ng – Tį»c Äį» - Hiį»u Quįŗ£ - GiĆ” Cįŗ”nh Tranh, Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai cam kįŗæt cĆ¹ng khĆ”ch hĆ ng vĘ°į»£t qua nhį»Æng rĆ o cįŗ£n ngĆ“n ngį»Æ vį»i chįŗ„t lĘ°į»£ng Äįŗ£m bįŗ£o, tį»c Äį» nhanh nhįŗ±m Äem lįŗ”i hiį»u quįŗ£ kinh tįŗæ tį»t nhįŗ„t cho khĆ”ch hĆ ng.
Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai nhįŗn biĆŖn dį»ch, dį»ch cĆ“ng chį»©ng, chį»©ng thį»±c bįŗ£n dį»ch cĆ”c loįŗ”i hį» sĘ” thįŗ§u, bĆ”o cĆ”o tĆ i chĆnh, hį» sĘ” lao Äį»ng, hį» sĘ” du hį»c, vÄn bįŗ±ng chį»©ng chį», bįŗ£ng Äiį»m, hį»c bįŗ”, hį» khįŗ©u…Vį»i trĆŖn 50 ngĆ“n ngį»Æ ÄĘ°į»£c cung cįŗ„p.
Quy TįŗÆc VĆ ng Trong Dį»ch Thuįŗt CĆ“ng Chį»©ng/Chį»©ng Thį»±c Cį»§a Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai:
BĘ°į»c 1: Nhįŗn thĆ“ng tin bĆ i dį»ch cį»§a khĆ”ch hĆ ng.
BĘ°į»c 2: ÄĆ”nh giĆ” phĆ¢n loįŗ”i tĆ i liį»u
BĘ°į»c 3: BĆ”o giĆ” chi tiįŗæt vĆ thį»i gian trįŗ£ khĆ”ch hĆ ng.
BĘ°į»c 4: Lįŗp kįŗæ hoįŗ”ch vĆ chį» Äį»nh biĆŖn dį»ch viĆŖn dį»ch thuįŗt
BĘ°į»c 5: Kiį»m tra/Hiį»u ÄĆnh lįŗ”i toĆ n bį» bįŗ£n dį»ch, khĆ“ng Äį» sai sĆ³t. (KhĆ¢u nĆ y ÄĘ°į»£c ÄĆ”nh giĆ” lĆ quan trį»ng nhįŗ„t vĆ ÄĆ²i hį»i ngĘ°į»i lĆ m check khĆ“ng nhį»Æng phįŗ£i vį»Æng chuyĆŖn mĆ“n, mĆ ÄĆ²i hį»i sį»± tįŗp trung cao Äį» vĆ o cĆ“ng viį»c, thĘ°į»ng thƬ cĆ”c sai sĆ³t nhįŗ§m lįŗ«n sįŗ½ tįŗp trung Äįŗæn 80% į» ÄĆ¢y, 20% cĆ²n lįŗ”i sįŗ½ phį»„ thuį»c vĆ o nhį»Æng yįŗæu tį» khĆ”ch quan)
BĘ°į»c 6: Xuįŗ„t bįŗ£n vĆ Äi lįŗ„y cĆ“ng chį»©ng/chį»©ng thį»±c bįŗ£n dį»ch.
BĘ°į»c 7: Gį»i vĆ trao tįŗn tay cho khĆ”ch hĆ ng
BĘ°į»c 8: Ghi nhįŗn nhį»Æng thĆ“ng tin phįŗ£n hį»i tį»« khĆ”ch hĆ ng
BĘ°į»c 9: Tįŗ”o ra nhį»Æng bį» quy tįŗÆc į»©ng xį» vį»i khĆ”ch hĆ ng.
Vį»i Äį»i ngÅ© Dį»ch thuįŗt viĆŖn, biĆŖn tįŗp viĆŖn, Äį»i ngÅ© nhĆ¢n viĆŖn chuyĆŖn nghiį»p, chįŗ„t lĘ°į»£ng, bįŗ”n cĆ³ thį» hoĆ n toĆ n yĆŖn tĆ¢m khi giao tĆ i liį»u cho Dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai
CĆ“ng ty dį»ch thuįŗt Äį»ng Nai
Äį»a chį»: 261/1 tį» 5 KP 11, An BƬnh, BiĆŖn HĆ²a Äį»ng Nai
Hotline: Mr. KhĘ°Ę”ng CEO: 0947.688.883 – Mr. HĆ¹ng 0963 918438
It appears you had a wonderful Christmas. May 2020 be joyous and prosperous.
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