Welcome to another post for Saturday Centus (actually posted today, Saturday) the day before Father's Day (in case you may have been too busy to notice) and you all know Jenny usually delivers the prompt or photo for her sweet little game of Saturday Centus......
But today she has given that privilege away again and yes in only 100 words we give our take on Jeff's prompt of "within the stone" and you can check his super blog out at Tennessee Mudbug http://tennesseemudbug.blogspot.com/
..... if you want to add in with your own idea for this awesome prompt go here
Okay here's mine....
Blame it on the well manicured lawns surrounding each magnificent mansion along the river. Every house reflected the owner’s personality, intensifying their appreciation and nobody denies forming this plan. Why was one particular house so peculiar? Did whoever own it really need a claw-foot tub and a wooden-tub washing machine on their front porch? This nightmare tormented them like smoldering ash long enough.
Finally someone climbed the tall black iron fence encircling this prosperous property to throw a written warning taped to a brick and it went right through a window within the stone house.
“Who attacked my house?”
Was that the Mayor screaming?
Karen, This is a most creative use of the prompt! Now I am wondering about just who lives in the stone house.
I sure hope the Major doesn't make the bylaws on how to keep ones yard clean and tidy, he'd fail for sure. My husband lived in a suburb, where the back side of the house had to be as pristine as the front, so people driving by would see a nice view. Bylaws be damned. Very creative write.
it seems like a perfect conclusion.
well plotted story.
This is great, very creative. I'd like to throw bricks through some of those mansions.
Fantastic writing Karen, do we ever get to hear more? Have a fantastic Sunday!
Hahahaha! I love this, Karen!! Great take on the prompt!!
Those old baths stuck in the middle of a huge empty room with claw feet on them have always given me the heebbie jeebies anyway!
A fun read, thanks for sharing !~!
Very interesting...yes cj, I too would love to know more. Well done...Peace and blessings
This was a very interesting and unique take on this. Sounds like very eccentric people live in that house, ha. Wonderful job.
that was a hard prompt, and you did a great job with it.
Yes, like others I want to hear more! What happens next?? And I will check out the other blog--being from Tennessee myself, how can I resist? Only I think of myself as a Tennessee T-cake, not a Tennessee mudbug!
PS--How funny! I was just posting a comment on your blog when you were posting one on mine. Linked in cyberspace!
Galen- that's cool, it's an amazing blogging world isn't it!
yes, everyone check out Jeff's blog as well...and enjoy!
home repair!
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
Excellent and very clever use of the prompt !
gotta say, this is an amazing take on the prompt! kudos for thinking right out of the box ... and the story is intriguing ... i want to see that house!!!
Karen, I love this fanciful and imaginative use of Jeff's prompt.
Wow. I read this twice through and found it so intriquing.
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