
Wayzata, Minnesota

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Alphabe-Thursday - A House is a House, Of course.

      featuring the letter " H "

                   FOR HOUSE!

 NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH a fairy-tale making,
 it a HOME; as many fairy tales often do.

Who lives in this cottage by the bay? Why I hope to someday!
I too, dream of the cottage by the bay, where honeysuckle grows and fish swim all day.  Just give me a fire by night, food enough, a mourning dove's song and you by my side.....forget the cobwebs, for there are many, but just enough to keep our cottage by the bay safe and sound.....

I have a weakness for shooting houses, always have and always will. 

They aren't always the most magnificent houses either.

Sometimes I shoot places people call "home"  like below, (this is just an example) because this car is so darn cute.

                   Please don't laugh.  You know people have literally lived right out of their cars.  My first husband and I did for an entire summer once.  Sure we were driving across country, visiting relatives; but we spent more time sleeping right there in our Plymouth Fury -
that featured one gigantic trunk!

Pretty nice streets for the 10th of January too, don't you think!

A house is made of walls and beams, stones and bricks, and loads of glass; while a home is built with love and dreams and bound by memories......

Why do so some people hide behind their window coverings.........

Some houses are linked with other houses, and called Row Houses or Townhouses, of late.  But still a "Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to." - John Ed Pearce.

"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself."  - Maya Angelou

Do the signs or personal belongings we hang outside our house, make it more a home.....than just another house along the avenue?

Perhaps these fine pink blossoms surely do make this a home, or not.

Come autumn, trees drop their feeble leaves in front of whitewashed, rambling houses,
some with carved door frames and some not; but all welcoming happiness to those who enter.
Can you tell if it's a home just by walking by?  What if, you heard the laughter of tiny voices amongst the sound of the purr from a sewing machine?

"A house is a machine for living in," - Le Corbusier
and making it pretty
or mysterious
the very face of a house that greets
It is what we make it.

A mere four-sided house, repainted in five colors creating a "Painted Lady" gleaming proudly from the Victorian Age, but in all it's glory, the face-lift does not guarantee it's a home.

                   But, no matter what, it's always the love we find inside a house that keeps us there.

If you desire more uses for the letter "H" why not visit Miss Jenny's Alphabe-Thursdays....


JosephAlsarraf said...

Very interesting! I like to take pictures of random things too in fact I spent alot of my trip doing just that. I really liked the pictures of those houses. I liked the first one the most but, I'd worry about flooding. : )

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love houses, probably should have been a real estate agent!

There is a house that is built to look like a mushroom near my house, I'll try and take a pic to show you, it's really cool...

21 Wits said...

Joseph, that's right, you just went to Washington D. C. ? I bet you took some marvelous photos there!

My name is Riet said...

Great houses and H word

Kalei's Best Friend said...

karen, u got my heart on these houses! the first one is adorable... my favorite has to be a plantation style home- wrap-around porches are gorgeous.

Lola said...

Wonderful houses and H word!

Wonderful blog too!

EG CameraGirl said...

A fun post with LOTS of houses. What a variety!

Vicki/Jake said...

I want to live in that cottage also! Love all these Houses you found, and the fact that your car was one once too:)

Pondside said...

That was fun! I've made 'home' in so many places I've lost count.

Anonymous said...

These house are such fun! I love take pictures of random things too. Sometimes they find their way to blog posts.

anitamombanita said...

That was the ultimate house tour. Fun!!

Susan Anderson said...

I really enjoyed this house tour, not just the photos but the text, too.


Sandy said...

Your so right about the Home.. whenever we are sad or glad, we always want to go home!
Great Post...

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos with beautiful houses, without a doubt my favorite is the first, I love it.

storybeader said...

love all the pretty houses you found; I could make any one of them a home. I definitely like the little cottage the best! {:-Deb

Gattina said...

Love the first house, it looks so cute, but maybe a little small inside.

Alan Burnett said...

I have to confess I can never pass a row of houses without wondering about what life is lived within. All those houses, all those people, all those lives.

Judie said...

Karen, this is a wonderful post! My house is a home because my kids always know they have a haven in it. Rod considers our house a home, because when he is in his chair with our two dog children in his lap, he feels like no one on the outside can get to him.

Nonna said...

Beautiful post Karen and use of the H. I simply love all the homes you picked out and the lovely thoughts you included and wrote...there's truly no place like home !!!

To the Toy Box and Beyond said...

love the quotes and pictures I too did a blog on my home It is linky #66 if you are so inclined to drop by.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i'd live in that first one...the little fairy tale hobbit house...all the creek...OOOOooooh!! i love that one!!

tony said...

Nice, Karen :) A Home Is Both Concrete and Abstract.

The Poet said...

Home is where the heart is. I always tell my wife wherever she is that's my home.
Love your photos.
Thanks for sharing.

Harp Of My Soul

Jenny said...

I love the cottage by the bay....

It is a Heavenly House and maybe one day I could make it a Heavenly Home....

Because you know what they say, Home is where the Heart is...

Thanks for this lovely link to the letter "H"...

Great job!!!
