
Wayzata, Minnesota

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thematic Photographic - Eat

"There's a friendly tie of some sort between music and eating."
  - Thomas Hardy

Carmi's theme this week is "eat" and what a vast theme it is!

Grab yourself a chair, pass the food.  Life and sharing dinner with friends is so completely delicious!

Ah, Monster (our outdoor ground's keeper - a hairy Tom Cat) enjoys a chicken-livers feast tonight!  A must, every now and then, on those freezing days in Minnesota.

Ta Da! Pizza!  Stress free life when it's pizza night! Stress and monsters, can't exist in the presence of home-made-pizza!

What could be better than being served by others at dinner time.  Even if it's make believe food!

No more time for chatting now, must go prepare food to fill these dishes so we can
For more Thematic Photographic posts
for Carmi's TP
go here


TexWisGirl said...

love the pizza party!

darlin said...

Your granddaughter (I'm guessing this is your granddaughter!) is totally adorable! I love the idea of using cookie cutters for the pizza, brilliant idea!

You cook for your cat? That's precious and one loved cat!

Now I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe I might go and have a bit of breakfast which I don't normally do and yes I know how important it is to eat breakfast, but I ask why when it makes me feel yuck! lol

Have a fantastic day Karen!

Cloudia said...

What a charming pizza gal! :-)


Lisa B said...

Hi Karen, thanks so much for identifying the lighthouse :), I find them difficult to locate, like with castles, I think that'll be easy to find, and they aren't at all.
I have cats who like to be cooked for too, usually chicken. Those checked plates are cool!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Everybody loves pizza!

P.S. That king crab is a monster, too.

Michèle et Jean-Claude said...

Wonderful photos! I love photos that have a more personal feel! I am going to try cookie cutters next time we make pizza!

sage said...

homemade pizza is the best, wonder what is for dinner tonight?

Alexia said...

Wow. Those crab legs make me nostalgic for the time I spent in Seattle. So delicious.

Love the pizza cook - and the pizza, too.

Alan Burnett said...

A feast of photographs. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I'm not a pizza expert (after eating pizzas in Italy I cannot bring myself to eat the wannabe-pizzas they make outside Italy) but I can't remember seeing a square pizza before.

Cats can be very demanding, before you know it they eat the high cuisine diner and you'll be left eating tinned cat food.

carmilevy said...

I love how you made this a family-centric vignette. There's always such a warmth in the way you choose to visually share your world and your life. What a joy to experience!