Welcome to another
Sepia Saturday where this week I'm leaving the lovely ladies Alan posted last week at the beach ....So in honor of
Summer beginning just a few days ago...I'm posting all things
SUMMER related from long ago Sepia-Land.......instead of Alan's theme this week!
But, if it's
fun in the sun or any other Sepia related moments you want to share too, then just go here
Welcome summer.....
Now what do you suppose these handsomely dressed gents are up to? |
What would summer be without having a beer or smoking a good 5 cent cigar and dancing under the moonlight with your favorite girl ......this is a short clipping that ran in the Madison Independent Press, Aug 12, 1910. It couldn't have been about any of the boys pictured above could it?
It read:
Two or three brainless galoots carrying an overload of the stuff that made Milwaukee famous kept the people of the southwest corner of this city awake about all night last Saturday Night.
and of course summer time fun begins at any good lake or resort......or local watering hole .....
My aunt and uncle still live in Grand Haven, Michigan and we would go to Lake Michigan all the time, but I never saw it quite like this...this postcard reads- Automobile parking oval on beach at State Park, Grand Haven, Mich. (of course we always walked there but this would have been fun to see in real life!) This postcard was mailed in 1936 but who knows when it was actually printed or of what era .... |
A favorite summer time thing is spending it on a lake- amazing most of the places on Lake Vermilion as most lakes everywhere look pretty much today as they did back then. This photo postcard is from 1958, many years later we took our children here too...this lake is unbelievable, as it is 42 miles long and at most points when you sit on the water you see nothing but trees surrounding it..no signs of life from any city..and the islands are many...some great for camping too! |
But there were other things that didn't involve swimming or fishing that kept people amused in the summer....
This is the cover for the Amateur Series...
"The Pull Back" a farce by T. S. Denison performed in Chicago and had a playing time of twenty minutes, first copyright was 1878 and this printing was 1906....the first scene opened as The Ladies' Waiting Room at a Railway Station....enters Mrs. Oldstyle and Mrs. Senseny...great names don't you think?! (What's great is the entire play is included in this booklet!) Thank goodness someone bought it originally for 15 cents and I have it today! |
I couldn't resist purchasing this...
It reads, It's coming nearer, Wow, Murder!! Police!!! and it should add Rabbitman!!!! Dressed in a suit that nearly matches the wall paper!!! I can bet this was one funny production of murder at it's finest and served with humor ! |
What would summer be if not for going to the Theatre, night or day time...
"Henpeck Holler Gossip to A Tempest in a Hat Shop" all fine productions to be seen at 623 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago...come on Minnesotans just board the train and come on over for some summer fun! For an interesting read click to make larger and enjoy the plots! |
Oh sure there was a lot of great "catch" happening......
The Minnesota Historical Society posted this photo discussing the "catch-and release" concept, although this picture pretty much appears to be (fish) almost ready for the frying pan instead of swimming for these lovely fish...a catch of about three-dozen hefty Smallmouth bass from Detroit Lake, (Mn.) in 1884. |
Greetings for a summer's evening of listening to mandolins or a harp guitar...from the University of Minnesota Mandolin club about 1897 - Courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society. |
Sometimes summer fun meant sports, like boxing and rough housing outside ! Pictured here are the Amateurs from the Minnesota Boat Club practicing boxing, and simply fooling around for fun about 1890. - Courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society. |
Ah yes, the laundry is all hung nicely swaying to the gentle breeze and it's time for a quick bite of lunch before riding those great bicycles waiting just for us! Quonset huts at 1500 Buchanan St. Northeast, Minneapolis, 1946 - courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society. |
Now every good upstanding person in the community must do what they have to do, before the fun begins, right? - This ad ran in the Iron Trade Journal, Two Harbors, June 9, 1898. |
....So, now that all our work has been completed...let's go out and enjoy the summer! Thanks for stopping by Sepia Saturday...once again!